ActiveBench Platform

Platform Breakdown

Artificial Intelligence

Leverage the power of AI to automate recruiter tasks and maximize productivity.


ActiveBench’s AI parses detailed job requirements, candidate resumes, and credentials to provide industry- leading matching of candidates to jobs.

Automated messaging

Generated optimal messages to save recruiters time and maximize candidate engagement

Phone System

Full communications platform enables calling, company hotline, SMS, MMS, and email send/receive features.


Our web-based platform is easy to access and built for speed.

Phone application

Our phone app allows recruiters to stay connected on the go.


A streamlined preboarding process covers all bases - candidate consents, information collection, references, and document upload.


  • Create custom consent forms to send to candidates for signature.
  • We store consents on a per-candidate level, so that we never ask the candidate for the same thing twice.

Document collection

  • Instantly create document collection portal for candidates
  • Recruiters can view candidate document upload progress in real time.
  • Recruiters approve and save documents to the candidate's profile.

Information Collection

  • Recruiters can create custom information collection packets to send to candidates.
  • Candidates fill out information and recruiters can view progress in real time.


  • Reference contact information is collected from candidates in the Information Collection step.
  • References receive a customized reference portal.
  • Recruiter can communicate with and track each reference's progress in real time.
Skills Checklists

Skills checklists for healthcare specialties integrated into the candidate portal.

Clinical Checklists

Clinical checklists cover a range of clinical specialties out of the box.

Custom Checklists

Our team can customize and create custom checklists for clinical and non-clinical specialties.

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See how ActiveBench can help your agency make more placements.