ActiveBench About Us

About Us

ActiveBench was founded by healthcare staffing mavericks who refused to do things the traditional way.

Their untraditional approach to staffing helped their previous staffing organization successfully reach the Inc 5000 in 2022 and again in 2023, becoming the #15 fastest growing company in the HR/staffing rankings and #263 overall, before making an exit from the company in late 2023.

Quickly growing frustrated with the landscape of available software available to streamline processes, they founded ActiveBench to provide healthcare staffing firms an all-in-one system that leverages the power of AI to maximize recruiter productivity.

Average time reduced from first contact to successful client submission
Average increase in candidate submissions to clients
Current ActiveBench marketplace job requisitions open to our clients


Amin Kolbehdari
Amin Kolbehdari
Recent exit as co-founder of healthcare staffing firm Medmetry, which made Inc 5000 rank #263 in 2023. Having engineered Medmetry’s operational processes, Amin has intimate knowledge of the mechanics of recruiting, and vision for how to disrupt a sleepy but rapidly changing industry.
Rick Alvarez
Rick Alvarez
Recent exit as co-founder of healthcare staffing firm Medmetry, which made Inc 5000 in 2022 and 2023. Having come from a tech background, Rick has channeled his energy into streamlining antiquated recruiting industry practices through leveraging cutting edge tech and AI.
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